Sunday 8 January 2012

Getting started on the inside...

Prodcution of ancillary work

Since the front and back of my digipak is (very near to) complete, it's time to start working on the inside!

This is the inside of my digipak...

I have decided to use this image of Nathan for the inside left hand panel.

I opened up this image on Photoshop and used the 'cut out' effect (the same effect I used on the image on the front of my digipak) to edit the image. I decided to do this to keep my digipak consistent.

This is what it looked like after applying the effect. I liked it and so decded to add it to my digipak.

I didn't want to include the grey background so I used the paint brush tool to colour the background black as you can see. But this didn't work so well as it was hard to paint at the most tiniest spots, and it looked obvious that I had used the paint brush tool. I couldn't decide If I wanted the image in the centre, or on the side with half of his faced cropped off!!??

(I slightly changed my original idea of having an image of him in the left hand bottom corner with a little biography about him on top -  I think this is uneccessary, I want to keep it simple)

 I decided to put the image back to its original size and adjust it on to my digipak (images above). I then played around with it to see what else I could do to the image to make it look more interesting......

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