Thursday 15 December 2011

Taking some pictures of artist

Planning for ancillary product

We decided that before we begin making our digipak and advertisment, it will be best to start taking some pictures of our artist! So we got hold of one of the photography teachers and asked them if we could borrow their camera (as it is of much better quality than the normal small digital camera's) to take pictures. Below are a few images I took of the Nathan.

 I plan to use on of these close ups of his face for the front of my digipak. The image I choose will also be included in my advertisement too.

 I will also use of of these images for the inside left hand side panel of my digipak.

Before I took pictures of Nathan I had to explain to him the way I wanted him to pose. In one of my previous blogs I explained how I got some inspiration from one of FrankMusik's images, where he poses in a grey suit (the image above). As you can see, our artist Nathan isn't wearing a suit but is also dressed in smart wear - a shirt and a tie... and he has attempted to pose in a similar way to FrankMusik hahaa, nice on Nathan !!

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