Tuesday 13 December 2011

Rough Sketch of my Digipak

Planning ancillary product

I have drawn a quick sketch of my digipak. However, due to the fact that I wasn't able to get hold of the felt tip pen colours I needed, the colours used in my sketch contradict my original ideas!

(Please click on the image to so it enlarged)

(I have cropped the image in half so it is easier to see)

This is the front design of my digipak.

As you can see I have stuck to my idea of having a close up of the artists face (I got the idea from FrankMusik's album design). His name will be at the stop in 'battle star' font, and the name of his album below in 'dot spot' font (as you can see see I've attempted to draw out the font in a dotted style). I will use the colour yellow for his name, and white for the name of the album - but I wasn't able to get hold of these colours, that's why I have used red and blue instead. The background of the front of the digipak will be black.

The 'Tracklist' text will be the same text as the artists' name at the front (battle star), and the name of the tracks will be in the dot spot font. The background will be black with dicso lights in the background. I will include other relevent elements such as the barcode (as you can see is in the right hand corner), the logo of the record company, their website address, the artist's website address etc.

(Please click on the image to so it enlarged)

This is the inside left panel and CD housing of my digipak.

(I have cropped the image in half so it is easier to see)

As you can see this is the CD housing. The background colour around the CD will be black, with dotted disco lights (as you can see my attempt to draw disco lights was a fail!) The colour of the CD will be yellow (same colour as the colour of his name at the front of digipak) and the font style, and colour will be the same as the front of the digipak. At the bottom of the CD will include the record label's logo, ther website address and the website address of the artist, and some copy right statements. I've deicded to make my coulours consistent by sticking with yellow + white + black only.

I want my disco light background to look similar to the above images. This links to the electropop genre as it represents disco/club lights.

FrankMusik's CD is black, and has the same font styles used for the front of his album. There is also the logo of his record label at the bottom, and another icon which I'm not sure what it represents. Around the CD contains statements about copyright. I will adopt the same style, as I have previously explained.

Below is the left hand panel of inside my digipak. I want to include a mid shot of Nathan in the corner, wearing a suit and headphones. The headphones will be signifcant as they will respresent my genre (loud music, dj's in club's etc). The suit will be the same suit that he wears in our music video. I want the artist to pose similar to the way FrankMusik is posing in the picture below (but wearing his headphones - of we can get hold of any!)

The background will be black. If you have noticed, the background of the front and inside left panel of my digipak will both be black, while the back and the CD housing of my digipak will both be of the same disco lights background.

If you can see I have faintly drawn a blank box above the sketch of Nathan, this is because I want to include some information (almost like a little biography) about the artist, as my main purpose is to promote him. The inforamtion I inlclude will enable the consumer to get to know some interesting facts about him and also how and what inspired him to become an artist. I got this idea from Beyonce's digipak - as they've included a little biography about her (image below). Even though our artist is of a different genre to Beynce, I still think this idea will help to build a closer relationship between our artist and his fans.

I've enlarged the digipak so you can see what I'm talking about. As you can see they've included some information about Beyonce, so that the fans can get to know more about her.

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