Album Cover 1
Calvin Harris - I Created Disco
MASSIVE image of the artist's face
Plain yellow background
His name is very clear, big font size, font type gives a techno look which matches the genre
Album name is on, smaler then Artist name
Only 2 colours used (Yellow and Black
His name is very clear, big font size, font type gives a techno look which matches the genre
Album name is on, smaler then Artist name
Only 2 colours used (Yellow and Black
Advert 1

Image of whole album cover on advert
Date when it comes out
Amazon website - where you can buy it
You can't really see but it says which albums are included in the album
Colours and font kept the same
Album Cover 2
FrankMusik - Complete Me

Plain black background
Close up of artist
Name clear, big and in another plain colour
Album name in a smaller font size
Font the same for both artist name and album name
Advert 2
Image of whole album cover on advert
Date when it comes out
Webiste of artist
which singles are included in the album
Colours and font kept the same
Quotes shown to show opinions of the album (in yellow)
Album Cover 3
David Guetta - Nothing But The Beat
Plain red backgroundWhite font
Long shot of arist(whole body wearing casual clothes in fashion)
Artist name is in the biggest text size
Album name same font but smaller size
Unfortuanetly i couldn't find the advert for this album but by analysing the other arverts im guessing it would of had an image of the album cover, the release date and also which singles it might included in the album. The information would most likely be in the same font.
After analysing 3 album covers from artists that are in the same genre as our artist i now have a rough idea to what i would want to include on the front of my album.
I will have an image of the artist, what type of shot im not fully sure yet but most likely to be a close-up of the aritsts face, A plain background with a techno-look font style. The artists name as well as the albums name will be on the cover with the artists name in a bigger font size.
For my advert I am thinking i should have an image of the front of my album like the ones I have analysed have done. Also on my advert I will include the release date, the artists website and also a possitive quote from an institute to show it is a good album.
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