Wednesday 14 December 2011

Planning for Digipak

After looking at other digipaks that relate to my genre, I have decided that I will do a six panel digipak. my reason for this is that I feel that the whole purpose of a digipak is to give the audience something extra and I feel that 6 panel digipaks are most successful in doing so.

The background for the front of my digipak will be plain black with the artists and album name in a nice a clear font and also in a bright colour that is eye catching, which will help the cover stand out on a shelf at a music store. I have not fully decided what specific fonts I will use yet but I have a rough idea. I hope to find a font that is digital, sort of like the ones you see on most calculators; as I feel that it relates to my genre quite well.

The most important thing on the cover, aside from the artist and album name; will be a close-up of my artists face as I feel it will help promote his image, and help the audience put a face to the voice encase they haven't seen any of his music videos yet. At the back of my digipak will be a track list, which will almost definitely be in the same colours and font used on the front of the digipak. There will also be a vector of a wide shot of skyscrapers going along the bottom of every panel apart from the front cover and the panel that has the CD on it. I have included this to give the album a sort of urban feel to it, as some of the song on the album are quite urban.

When designing something I feel that it is very important not to over complicate things, this is why for the inside of my album cover I am keeping it quite simple, I will still continue to have the vector of the city going along the bottom. And I might have another image of my artist on the panel furthest to the left. Apart from that I doubt I will have anything else on the inside of my digipak other than my CD and the other conventions I just mentioned.

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