Friday 2 December 2011

Analysis of digipaks

Researching ancillary products

After having a browse online at different types of electropop/pop digipaks, I have chosen three to analyse. I have chosen these three as they are of the same genre of my group's music video and so I will analyse these to gain some ideas and inspiration as to how to design my own. 


Vincent Frank born Vincent James Turner (born 1985) is known professionally as Frankmusik is an English electropop musician. I don't think he actually has a digipak, so I am just going to analyse the front of his album cover. 

(Please click on the image below to enlarge it.)


This cd cover is quite plain, but conventional and appealing. I may make my own digipak very similar to this one- using a close up image of my artist in black and white effect, and making his name in a bright colour which will contrast against the black background. 


Robin Miriam Clarlsson, known was 'Robyn' is a swedsih recording artist, singer and songwritter. Her genre of music is electopop, synthpop & R&B.

I have noticed that Robyn's album is quite similar to Frank Musik's one. It is quite plain and simple in style, with a close up of her in the middle, and her name in large font at the top.


Pierre David Guetta, known professionally as David Guetta is a French house music producer and DJ. His genre of music is house, electrohouse (which is very similar to electropop), and hip house.

David Guetta's album, too, is similar to the above. It has a close up of him, with his name in large font near the top.

What I have noticed is that most electropop genre artists/bands do not have digipaks. They mainly have just normal CD's. I realised this after trying to find some digipak's to analyse, but to my surprise I found none, and the ones I did find are of a different genre. So by me creating a digipak, this sort of breaks the convention of the electropop genre - as I am creating something they do not usually do.

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