Saturday, 3 December 2011

Summary of a Digipak

Now that we have finished our music video we will know be creating a digipak and also a advertising poster promoting the digipak.

In Rebecca's class (one of our teachers) we went over the main reaons why digipaks are made and also what we should and shouldn't do when making our own ones.

Here is the digipak of Florence and the machine - Lungs

The inside has dvd's as well as a booklet that includes extra information about the artist

A digipak is a modern approach to CD packaging,which has 4 or 6 pannels. It has been around for around 10 years and costs more then cd packaging .It's main reason is that it includes more information about the artist/band such as their background, bonus tracks and lyrics of some songs as well as to make more money for the record labels.

In class we also went over what benifits digipaks have on the customers as well as the music industry.

Benefits for the Music industry
Benefits for the customers
Brings in more money (profits increase)
Helps combat piracy
Advertises the artist/band
Makes them feel like true fans
Makes them feel like they’re closer to the artist/band

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