Saturday 24 September 2011

Reflecting back on the AS year: Lip sync tutorial

In our first lesson of doing lip sync tutorial we were asked to edit shots of a band performing live together, we were told to use the program Final Cut Pro.

We learnt how to import shots into Final Cut pro then layer them on top of each other. We then had to make sure they were all in time with the music track that we were given as all the shots did not start at the same point of the track. We did this by putting markers in the shots to show where the music sync's with the each shot. After doing this we had to decided which part of each shot we wanted to use in our music video by placing markers in the parts we wanted. After placing the markers in the parts we wanted to keep we used the tool Razor Blade to cut of the parts we did not want to keep for our music video and then deleted them. 
After deleting the sections of each shot we did not want to keep in our edited music video, we were left with sections of each shot that was going to be used in the video.

After finishing our lip sync tutorial we were put into group and given a song we had to lip sync to and then edit. Using the skills we developed over our practice video we shot our clips and then edited them with the music track on Final Cut Pro. After marking,cutting and editing each shot together we decided to add special effects to the music video to make it more eye-catchy, we added effects such as fades and importing pictures into our music video.

Here is our final music video after edited together

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