Tuesday 27 September 2011

(Reflecting Back) Lip sync tutorial

In June I was introduced/ given a tutorial by Mickey on how to successfully create a music video where the artist is shown to be lip syncing. He showed us how to import the clip(s) as well as use a variety of tools such as how to place a marker down. The marker tool is used at specific points of your video clips, usually in correlation with the beat/ tempo of the song. Markers are normally placed of over 3 or 4 base tracks (depending on the video). These base tracks are normally aligned vertically above and below one and other, to make it easier when putting in markers and using the razorblade tool. After we placed all of our markers down Mickey advised us to use the razorblade tool to split the clips at the point of each marker. The reason why we split the clips at the markers is so that we could easily chose and delete parts of each base track to create a smooth and efficient video.

In our next lesson we were faced with the challenge of creating or own lip syncing video with a random song given to us by my teacher. This was a massive leap forward for as because we were not faced with the challenge of obtaining our own footage during the initial tutorial with Mickey. During the filming one of the obstacles we were faced with was that no one in my group was actually familiar with the lyrics of the song. This made things extremely difficult when we had to film continuously all the way through for our base tracks because we had to keep stopping for long intervals so that we could check the lyrics. One of the ways in which we tried to combat this problem was that I came up with the idea of making the student in my video look like she was meant to be reading the lyrics, in a comical/ humorous sort of way.

Video soon to be uploaded.

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