Tuesday 22 November 2011


Despite the intricate planning from the start, there were a series of technical issues that really halted our groups progress from finishing on time. At a variety of different times we had issues with the cameras despite having previous experience and knowledge on them including not knowing how to brighten the shots when in fact all we had to do was flick a switch on the camera, a simple mistake leading to us having to quickly re shoot some clips and delete the old ones, effectively wasting time. Another time the battery was not fully charged and we had to cease filming in fear that we will not have enough battery for the house party which quite obviously can not be re shot at any circumstances, too much planning and too short of time. So far we have made really good progress on our media music video which I am really pleased about and the blogs that should have been uploaded before will all be up in this week accompanied by a finished piece of coursework.
In addition to the slight delays, our group experienced a love hate situation with the number of clips we had to work with. Firstly, plotting the clips down as base tracks extended final cut pro onto a 37th row which dramatically decreased the speed it took to render files even when making the slightest movement and I quote '10 hours'. As shown above, the dissection of the clips on the markers of the beats took nearly an hour to have it all precise and when we actually came back and had to begin editing them (as "razoring" the clips took us to the end of the lesson) it insisted that we should render every second which was not possible as the render process would lead to waiting 10 hours. In a nutshell this whole process was a fail. Which resulted in the deletion of most of the clips and starting from scratch which surprisingly proved to work well as I took our technicians advise and just use the basetracks we are certainly going to use cloaking distractions of what we could have and should do and just getting on with it. The love part came from the number of clips we have as we have such a great selection. Despite a lot of the party clips being dark (due to lighting issues), when we modify the opacity of the clips they work really well with the base tracks. The thought summoned of switching story boards from back to front i.e. heading to the party and waking up not waking up reminiscing about the party (our original plan) due to the waking up scenes being shot poorly in my opinion. But with the ability of editing and correcting clips I feel we can merge both ideas and not have to drastically change any original plot.

In conclusion, yes we are falling short but the final product should reflect the effort all me and my group members have put into planning and the time dedication when all seemed hopeless. We have more than enough clips, a good song. All we have to do now is edit!

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